Design & Art Direction

And just about everything in between.

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Specializing in all things branding, advertising, and design. I’ve been fortunate to work with some great brands and all types of projects. Everything from integrated brand campaigns, to packaging design, to website design, to illustration and animation. My work is at the intersection of culture, design, and technology, always aimed at making the complex simple and creating a compelling brand story. Here’s what keeps me busy.

Recent Work

In a nut shell

Endlessly in pursuit of complex and challenging projects that tell a memorable creative story.

Born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida. I graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Graphic Design. Since then, I've basically been making all kinds of things, for lots of great clients large and small. My efforts as a creative are focused on helping brands connect and better communicate with their audiences as powerfully, simply, and as pragmatically as possible, by making big ideas come to life with flawless execution. In my spare time I love to travel. I also restore/build old cars, sometimes getting in way over my head. I'm always game to start a new project, or just to talk shop over a beer. Just reach out.

Let's Talk

Please feel free to contact me with any ideas about projects that I might be able to help out with.