Client:Tires Plus

Date: 2018-2021

Type:Integrated Brand Campaign

Tires Plus needed to evolve their brand and reposition it for growth, and to help execute against its brand mission: to be the most trusted provider of tires and car care in every neighborhood. We worked with the Tires Plus brand team to craft a new brand strategy platform -- and the launch of a new, integrated brand campaign.

The new brand position centers around empowering their customers with upfront information and recommendations without sales pressure—this is car care that puts you in the Driver’s Seat. From traditional media, to digital media, social media, print and direct mail, in-store POP, and countless OLVs all leveraging consistent and targeted brand messaging.

New Brand Guidelines

With multiple partner agencies tasked with developing printed, social and digital brand assets, it was imparative to quickly roll out an extensive brand guide to coordinate and integrate around central campaign themes and primary messages.

Meet the "Approachable Advisor"

This photoshoot was cast using actual Tires Plus teammates and technicians to be the face of the new Driver Seat campaign. The new photography was utilized heavily on the website, social channels and direct mail.

In-store POP design

By revitalizing the in-store experience by replacing old semi-permanent and monthly promotional materials with Driver’s Seat messaging, we brought consistency between outbound marketing and the in-store experience.